With „signoSign/2“ you are able to create and sign PDF-documents with your own handwritten signature. The signatures are then incorporated into further electronic workflows without media discontinuity.
As an input device for the handwritten signature you can use our Sign-Pads, a Windows Tablet-PC, an iPhone or an iPod Touch.
Stop printing paper “just” for the signature! Lower your costs, speed up your processing-time and prevent abuse absolutely reliable.
- Configuration
- Recommended signature Pads
- System requirements

You can define multiple printers. Documents can be printed automatically on the specified printers.
Additionally, the complete configuration can be exported / imported for further installations. Confirmation texts can be displayed before signing, signatures can be saved as graphics, index-files can be created, pages can be added via a webcam or scanner and so much more.
We recommend the LCD-Signature Pads Sigma, Omega and Alpha.
You can use signoSign/2 with a Windows Tablet-PC as well.
- Windows 10
- Windows 2008 Server R2
- Windows XP ab SP3
- Windows Vista /7 /8 (32bit/64bit)
- Windows Server 2012
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (if not available, automatic installation from the internet)
- Runs in a terminal server environment with ICA Client or Remote Desktop
- Easy cloning of master configurations
- “Silent” or “unattended” installation
- MSI setup with editing of setup properties
During signing, characteristic information of the signature, like writing speed and pressure are going to be safely stored in the document, which later on can be evaluated analog like a handwritten signature by a handwriting expert. The transfer of data from the signotec-pads to the PC is encrypted, due to that it’s impossible to spy on the biometric characteristics. The biometrics could be encrypted inside the pad using an RSA public key. After the confirmation, the document signed with signoSign/2 is going to be archived automatically and is retrievable at any time.
The in- and output management via XML-documents makes it easier, to tether the application to existing systems. Like this the system is for example deployable in the insurance business for application forms, in the industry for service reports and in financial institutes for the signing of deposit receipts. In the healthcare sector, medical reports are digitally ascertainable, the trade is using the signotec solution for POS-transactions.
signoSign/2 is not free of charge! Software for signing PDF documents is generally subjected to be licenced!