Features of Student Management System
About us
All-in-one Solution for all CollegesToday, the Educational Institutes need to manage more information than ever before, however without a solid internal infrastructure for teachers, administrators and departments to share data, critical College and student information can be lost, or worse communicated incorrectly leading to a host of problems that can affect your Institute's portrayal and endurance. To remain competitive, every institute requires a simple solution that can run individual functions, connect their entire operation and simplify day-to-day operational responsibilities, giving staff more time with students.
Integrated with: biometric devices, SMS Gateway, E-mail Broadcaster, ID card generation, Branch Management

Here's what you can expect... Clients Testimonials
What client say about Student Management System
KCB (Kensington College of Business)
Kensington College of Business (KCB) is one of the largest eastablished independent HE Colleges in the UK and celebrated its Silver Jubilee in 2007.

ATC College London
We provide environment for students with a "work hard" ethic at ATC College, but do not forget that there is an important balance between work and play; we focus strongly on achievement, passing exams and building your "education for life."

Shakespeare College London
Shakespeare College London is a family-run business where every student is treated as a guest and is carefully guided through the course.

Anderson Ross Business School
Anderson Boss Business School (ARBS) sets policies and procedures for the registration of both local and overseas students.

Helios International College
Helios International College is a private education provider, aiming to provide a wide variety of high quality affordable higher education courses and programmes.